Thursday, September 8, 2011

oh yeah...meetings.

Well, we haven't had any meetings in the past two weeks.
I don't know if everyone has forgotten or has been busy with other things but I figured I would just post the status of where I stand.

Here is the first cat enemy that I've started.
Also! Eric has started modeling out cat beds for the catroom!
Well, I hope to hear from you guys soon if you want to continue to work on this project!

Friday, September 2, 2011

next in person meeting

we have talked about meeting up on the 17 well I can't have five things going on, ok just three already. friday night or a different week works for me. I totally missed that wednesday came and gone by, I totally will be on skype this week. Also I think i know how we can have more action, will elaborate on chat, with the use of camera animations.

Friday, August 5, 2011

ps3 game from unity

The game I was talking about is Rochard, you tube it. I posted the link on my facebook page if you can't find it.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Just Reporting in

I know I know I know , where in the world is "April"? Seems to be the question of late. Well I'm here and can't wait to get going on this stuff! I personally have been paying attention to the blog, and think that everything being said sounds great! Let me know what time for the meeting @ school if it is I will take a long lunch that day if I am still working. If not I for sure will be there no matter what. In the mean time I will work on the player controller for the third person if that is still what we decided we'ed do. I almost had all of the sidescroller controller completed, but now I will run with the thrid person. that being said if I don't hear other wise plan will be to have some what of a player controller for the metting. Also I have seen a game in unity that uses some of the mechinics we want will post link in a bit.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

yo dawg, i heard you like assets

Meeting recap for August 3rd 2011, assets, critiques, and making the switch from 2d to 3d.
Also, as it stands I'd like to get a meeting together up at the school during the week of 14th through the 20th.
I'm assuming a Tuesday or Thursday would work best for most of us, so we'll plan for one of those two days.

Asset List: New Tutorial


Picture frame: Medium

Small table: Medium

Action figures/toys: Low

Cliché hallways stuff

Night light: low

Pet Bedroom:

Scratch post: Med

Cat beds: High

Room divided (Anarkittys side different from others)

Cat Weights (house hold object ex: Spongebob): Low/Medium

Kitty Litter house thing: Medium

Master Bedroom:

-Do not disturb door handle: Low

-Rainbowface poster: Low


Shelves: Med

Boxes: Med

Clothes: Med

Ridiculous Sweater: Med

Vent Grate: High


Dust: Low

Cobwebs: Low

Living Room:

Couch: High

TV: Med

Action Figures in horrible positions: Med

Small crappy table cluttered with stuff (Pizza boxes, Soda cans): High

Open bags of potatoes chips and so forth: High

Surround Sound thing: Low

Remotes: Low

Controllers (Gamestation2): Low

Dog Knight Encounter:

You can’t pass he will hit you back with his shovel, shoot down bucket onto his head.

Cutscene of anarkitty leaving and dog knight becoming his persona.

Also, I'm starting to work on modeling the owner. Here's where he stands currently!

Yarn Gun Storyboard

Quick storyboard for the cutscene where Anarkitty finds his yarngun. Let me know what you guys think!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Old meeting recap

Hey guys, this is from the 13th but I figured it would be useful to have up on the blog for creating things.

Anarkitty NEW TUTORIAL LEVEL Asset List:

-Owner: Cat lady? Or Middle aged man?(Comic book guy: Also, upgrades can become more accessible due to the comic book guy having so many action figures with accessories. And it ties more towards the story )

-Show that this is comic book guy’s house, throughout the environment (posters, dvds, game controllers, etc). He could grab the hookshot from one of the action figures throughout the house.

-Couch: Love seat? Or full couch?

-Cheese Puff Bag w/ various puffs

-Cat beds and toys


-Plastic Animal Fence thing

-Scratching post

-Coffee Table/Pizza Box/Debris

For the animals is anarkitty going to be fighting them in his imagination? Or is he going to beat up house pets?

-2Cat models(having the cats be alley cats make the story not need cannon for when anarkitty returns home. What if we needed anarkitty to get something outside of the house, and run into the alley cats who are mean to him introducing combat. )

(have house cats teasing him and then causing harm to him, so anarkitty doesn’t look like he’s harming innocent civilians)

-A dog knight (imagination and realistic)

-Make sure player is introduced to all mechanics throughout tutorial.

-Combat (cats)

-Wallslide (Cheetos) (Being caught by desk lamp while comic book guy is playing mmorpg)

-Yarnshot (Plastic Fence)

-Crawl Mechanic (Pizza Box mountain/Debris & Garbage)

End tutorial: Test your skills reviewing all mechanics and fight the alley cats!

-Newer Mechanic later: Hanging upside down and crawling along the ceiling.

-Possible female character that would introduce this mechanic. Think assassins creed2 with the girl who taught ezio to super jump!

For next week!:

-Environment sketches! (depending on how many areas we created total)

-Level map! (A rough layout of what, were)

-Assets, Assets, Assets! (Once we have the level is solid and established we can begin creating assets for the tutorial level)


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

First Draft Level Design

This is a first draft for the level design for the tutorial...

New Intro

Some thumbnails of the new intro to the tutorial level. In a nutshell, Anarkitty is practicing his sweet fighting moves when he overhears a PAWS commercial on the TV (gotta script that still) and dashes off to find his crime fighting gear to end the injustice once and for all.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

anarkitty owner model sheet

So, I was thinking this is the owner we could run with for Anarkitty.
I tried not going over the top with the whole comic book guy look, do you guys have any idea for a name?
Or do you even think we need one?

Also, I think that we should be able to clean him up and give him a officers hat and some shades and we can reuse the model and make him a fatter security guard.
Look forward to Wednesday to really start to hammer out this tutorial level.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

More Sketches inbound

I won't be able to do the live chat with you guys tonight, but here are some enemy/ dog knight ideas. I'm still working on Dog Knight, but here are two rough ideas. As for the rest of the enemies. Yojimbo, in the serious version is a badass ronin(masterless samurai) dragon who works for whoever pays the best; in the cartoon version, he could be an iguana with a knife tapped to his back. Rattler, still a snack, maybe a gun or something attached to him still. Space test Monkey, could still be the same as the serious counter part, a monkey in a suit, with lip stick, and smoking. Maybe for the serious version, he's a gorilla with cosmic powers or some sort of energy shooting ability. Warrus( War Rus), army general walrus deal, maybe in some sort of tank like contraption when you fight him and in the serious version, he's in a jet. Lastly, Cyber Kitty, the essential protagonist clone, only in robot form. C.Kitty would have all of AK's moves and only one purpose, stopping Anarkitty. These are just some ideas, let me know if you like any of them!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Character Development is hard!

Anarkitty Meeting: 6/22/11

-Everyone is all on board for living room tutorial

-The Dog knight: Protoman esk character

-Super hero TV star

-Fighting anarkitty throughout the PAWS building for glory! Or! Anarkitty saving the people that the DogKnight planned on saving, and now has a reason to fight you.

-When you defeat dog knight he admits his defeat, and leaves! Then final boss fight he comes in to help anarkitty.

-Group of characters try to escape and the Dog Knight is the only one able to get out. And is cursing himself for not going back to save them, and is now going back to rescue his former allies.

Joe M: More Dog Knight concepts and enemies

Joe B: AI scripting

Angie: Clean up cut-scene security model sheet

April: Character Controller

Mike: Guard model

Hannah: Anarkitty model

Eric: Level layout for tutorial

Joe B AGAIN: Assets for tutorial

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Dog Knight ideas

My main point of reference for this character was Scias from Breath of Fire 4, Cliff from Guilty Gear, and general dark knights from various things, mainly WoW. I picture him more as a straight on, not stealthy at all, fighter. Brawny, extreme sense of justice, older, mentor figure type of character. But, that's all up to you guys, I just conjure up ideas.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

first official meeting

Anarkitty Notes: 6/15/11

-Final Boss Fight Big anarkitty!

-Wesley Bossfight:

throwing tea-cups, shoot yarn gun, teapot,

First person, or 3rd person camera to shoot teacups

-Back to the Cutlist:

-Talking fish!

-Health: 1 paw print, 4 hits. If you die you start at the last check

-GUI: yarnbombs & pawprint for health

-Interaction Button for cages: Keys for animals to break them out

-Breaking stuff


Cat nip balls (Insert awesome mechanic)

-Jamaican cat: once you release him he informs you that there is more catnip hidden throughout the building. Randomly pops up throughout various levels.

Commemorative coins: Place Jamaican cat into the showcase, and you can purchase showcase items in showcase Jamaican cat room.

Fight mechanics:

Robot Animal Enemies! (Wind up mouse, Mean looking robot dog, Centipede, Snake)

-Enemies: Snake! (Releasing the snake from the cage and it will attack anarkitty)

Yarnbomb, collect strains of yarn. Collect 3 for 1 yarnbomb

Light claw, heavy Claw


Kittymode: Show shiny sparkle stars, but not allow the player to constantly use it. Objective is clear, environment is not!

Pause Menu:


Treasures(Kitty Loot)


Main Menu:

Continue & New Game

Specify how many save files we will need.

Showcase will have to link up with the current save file.

Friday, May 27, 2011

one step at a time

Well, we did it.
We set, we reached, we achieved!
Now where to?
Our IndieDB page is exploding with awesomeness each day!
And I created a forum for people to discuss with game, and anything they feel about it.
It is the internet so just be forewarned guys and prepare for the worst!

But, as it stands.
Id really like to clean up what we have as for our tutorial level:
-Get the GUIS working
-Add sound fxs to the camera panning
-Implement all animations
-Clean up silly bugs, like bouncing when crawling in the lobby
-And then the cut scenes, I feel that these are going to be thier own monster yet again.

Though we'll be doing everything through after effects, and should have quicktime come next term making the cut-scenes much more fluid. But, how do you guys feel about the motion-like effects for the cut-scenes infamous style?

Also, I tried finding a cut-scene from the game that totally wouldn't ruin the game for anyone. Because, any PSN owners should definitely download this game when PSN is back up and running for FREE!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Letter to the Future

I had more fun with this than I probably should have, so I'd like to share it with you all. I think it's a relatively accurate recap of the experience. XD

Dear Future Team Project,

            The quest you are about to begin requires every scrap of knowledge and skill you withhold. It has no patience for procrastination or excuses. It is a journey filled with shame, defeat, and horror, but also one of great triumph and glory should you choose to accept it. I cannot fully describe in words what you are about to face during your upcoming journey. I will attempt to illustrate the experience that we all must share at one time or another in order to prove ourselves more than an insignificant speck on this earth.

You will discover an idea, and love it as it has loved you; always.

You will team up and bonds of friendship will be formed.

Brainstorming will create a torrential downpour of concepts and game elements.

The Instructor will warn you of the dreaded Draconis Scopeis, but you will not heed his words. None ever do.

Nevertheless, you and your team will begin your quest for gaming glory.

You will overcome obstacles, and be encouraged at the progress you have made.

Suddenly, you will hit a dead end. Your team is not at a high enough level to proceed with the initial plan. You must adapt.

With quick thinking, but a lot of rigorous work, you are back on track. However, the artists are fatigued.

The programmer is overwhelmed with bugs while attempting to continue forward.

You appeal to The Instructor for more time, but it is too late, for he has already unleashed the Deadline.

It is then that Scopeis will emerge in its most menacing form from the shadows you tried to hide it in, spewing chaos and madness in every direction.

But even when you believe all is lost, do not fear.

 You will rise from the rubble; triumphant. We who walked this path before you have conquered as well. It is your destiny. Go forth and create games.

Best Regards,
An Artist from the Past

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Time for the last presentation

Its been a long and winding road, but we're at the end. We just have to make sure we don't botch this one, because some important people will be watching. I'll be ready to help out if something goes awry, but, in Joe's hands, I doubt it. Joe has been a good leader, hell the whole team has been great. I'm glad I ended up with the group I did, everybody has put their all and then some into this project. It definitely shows; we got some pretty good feedback at Interfaces from the crowd and some people were asking about it afterward (at least to me, I'm sure other teammates were asked too.)

Sunday, May 22, 2011

interfacs to indiedb

From the conference people seemed quite thrilled frget a om our rough demo,
I really wanted to get whatever we can fix up before Thursday to place onto IndieDB.
Hannah was able to get a handful of fixups from just playtesting. Here's what she got:

-The Boss sign needs to have Red light bulbs and little red glowy around each one llke on the
Exit sign in the showcase.

-The Idle crouch, the idle wall slide. He can only crawl to the right. Sometimes his walk animation doesn't stop still.

-The fall animation and land animation... I'm sure most of things things you already konw but i playtested this with my mom and some things were just standing out so i am making a list.

I'm sure she'll have more for us on Tuesday on what we can add in!

Saturday, May 21, 2011


well from all the feed back I do believe that we did great today!! As for what we want to do for Thursday , well if time permits , lots!!!!! but not sure on how much. let everyone know.
Great job, to all team mates sorry for the things that did't get in, mainly the falling and jumping, Hannah you worked so hard at.

Friday, May 20, 2011

I'm as ready as I'll ever be

With a good 11 hours until presentation, I'm a little nervous, but I know we'll do find, however we present AK. I also did a version of Death Ink's character, Scrap, earlier today, hopefully somebody from Death Ink made a stick figure version of Anarkitty for our slide. I'm ready, lets get this show on the road! Here's my rendition of Scrap

tiny clean ups before interfaces

-Animal Rescues Delayed by a lot.

-Can only go back into Idle after hitting Crouch.

-Green book in the Lab is going through shelf on bookcase.

These things I noticed during a quick run through of the game today.
Also, Tom uploaded a BOSS theme onto the dropbox today.
Take a listen if you guys dig it we'll throw it in for the fight!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

after last build

well this is what we came up with at last build with a few ore i added if possible!!
    1. chandelier shot position not so far

    2. no shinnies on 1st lab light

    3. animation on credits up

    4. anarkitty logo to left slightly

    5. cancel movement in boss fight

    6. no cursor in wesley cut scene

    7. fire/sound animal rescue a little delayed

    8. Speech bubbles disappear

    9. falling animation

    10. jumping enabled with animation

    11. clean up!!!!

    12. build and test (2)

    13. dropped!!!

    14. dancing on credit scene

    15. animal count

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

WE've Got GAME

Yes we have game, thanks to help for Mr.C's guidance. Gun shoots, Straight I might add, instructions show, call and changes scenes, transform position to need places, animations (most of them), animal rescues, and let me say good LOOKING stuff! I am fixing things in the build as it stands, for thursday and plan on newer build for thursday for run through of demo!!! FIRED UP!!!!!!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

status update

So! As it stands guys, we're able to get through the entire game start to finish.
We just have a few issues that are being debugged out as we speak!
I have high hopes that we will be able to polish this out, and this game every thing that we've hoped for.

As for marketing things and such, they go as followed:

-I received an e-mail from triple thread and they probably wouldn't be able to make our shirts cheaply. I did just get a link for a site that might be able to get us shirts still, I just don't know if we'll be able to get them sent here in time for interfaces. Las

-I have Joe making us a pamphlet for Anarkitty that we can pass out at interfaces, explaining the game, our facebook page, indiedb, etc.

-Lastly I went to a miejer close to my house today, and they 'should' be able to make our cake for interfaces without any issues. I'll be sure to inform you guys in Tuesday!

Overall, I think we're just about ready for interfaces! Lets rock this!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Playtesting Bugs

Just wanted to post some of the bugs I ran into and see if anyone else is having these problems. Both my desktop and laptop aren't great at running the game, so I'm curious if it's my hardware.

  • No main menu music
  • Anarkitty still has rapid fire
  • Yarn gun points up
  • Aim for yarn gun is kinda off
  • Wesley cutscene goes straight to credits and skips boss fight
Everything else seemed to be working just fine. The showcase looked awesome from what I could tell (it lagged horribly so I couldn't really explore. XD ). I think it's just a few tweaks from what I can tell at least.

Friday, May 6, 2011

gold fixups

had some hicups in our beta, but its behind us and onto gold!

gold fixups:

-point and click mouse, or target rotation!

if you haven't seen this before its from Super Mario World 2,

The egg throw example is about 30seconds into the video linked,

the way they have yoshi throw eggs is on a rotation. I figured if we can't get Anarkitty to get the point and click as planned, this way would be just as well!

-Wall slide complete

-More animals, more cages!

-Fix laser collision!

-Water for fountain needs to be adjusted, right spout.

-Goes through 3rd light on HR room. FIX!

Moving painting picture

-AI path for dog

-Catflopping hat & Cap!

-Falling animation called

-Animation for Animal Rescue Pannel needs to be lowered on the Yaxis

-Skip buttons on cut-scenes (DONE!)

-Music behind fight in intro, and music behind wesley cut-scene

-Animal rescue after dog!

Beta presentation and after

well I got the Crawl, wallslide working!!!!! the build that I got is what we should have had for the presentation. There a few things I know need fixing but hey that is what gold is for. check drop box for a playable version.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Presentation aftermath

I feel we did a pretty good job. Joe did a good job keeping his tone level and enthused. We had a couple of hiccups with the build of our game, but nothing too big. I am looking forward to presenting at Interfaces in two weeks. I need to work on keeping a poker face during the presentation. It seems to me if we do all of our choreographed movements deadpan, it would be amazing. Time to get back to work finishing up the dick-bird.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Pawesome: teasip
Yarning: teasip
Paw print: hattip
Wesley: hattip
Cat drag: teasip
Pursenting: cheers!

We can practice tomorrow, but I figured this works best.

Monday, May 2, 2011

the statue room.

otay so here is the Statue room. I still think the wall and ceiling color should be different BUT they are attached so Joe B. You and I need to collaborate on that one and of course there still needs to be collisions on the walls. All of the statues have their own little light source illuminating them and then the only other light source int he room is the hanging lamp,which i love that lamp.. i put little glowy lights on all the sticks. It's main light that is glowing off the ceiling is doing something kind of weird, when i was messing with he intensity of the light in the other room it messed with this one as well, weird? or maybe because i just copy and pasted that lantern so they share properties I'm guessing. I'd like at least 2 more pictures, just pencil sketches of anything anarkitty/wesley related. I figured the artists can pick their favorites. Those will go in frames on either side of the door.

Beta build so far

Well it is monday at 7am and so far i wan't to let you know that I have things pretty much (for the lobby and hr room) in place up to guard, guard trigger is working so now am going to work on the window trigger when shot but it is finnaly animation working on window.
will let you know more as i go.

Sunday, May 1, 2011


Main Menu: Action1

Intro: Wind&Ambient2

IntroFight: Action No string lead

Lobby/HR: Lobbyish3

Darkhall/Lab: Sneak3

Wesley CutScene: Action2

Bossfight: !?

Tom uploaded a good amount of music and sound tracks, this is what I was thinking for the cut-scenes and the two level scenes. I'm going to talk to tom tomorrow about getting some awesome boss fight music, and possibly credits.

sound good!?

Saturday, April 30, 2011

fission mailed

Anarkitty Triggers & Cleanups:


-Animations called into Anarkitty

-Point & Click yarn gun

-Particle systems for hookshot areas

-Textures explaining tutorial


-Light showing view of camera

-Sirens working with camera

-Fix camera animations

HR Room:

-Guard alarmed trigger (still needs sounds)

-Window triggered down move scene switch into vent

-Animal Rescue Trigger set, along with sound! (Animation won’t play)


-Make sure Anarkitty is able to crawl under lasers in darkhall

-Place conedog on a path

-Place door and window up against backwall leading towards HR

-Place open doors leading into lab

-If not able to place onto path, use laying down dog and set up triggers

-Place rainbow face poster somewhere throughout the lab

-Create lab light triggers (They are tagged, but he won’t hookshot up)

Boss Fight:

-Create trigger for YarnBall to call “Hit” animation on Wesley


-Add sounds and music!


-Add pillar assets

-Add music




-Animals in cages