Sunday, May 22, 2011

interfacs to indiedb

From the conference people seemed quite thrilled frget a om our rough demo,
I really wanted to get whatever we can fix up before Thursday to place onto IndieDB.
Hannah was able to get a handful of fixups from just playtesting. Here's what she got:

-The Boss sign needs to have Red light bulbs and little red glowy around each one llke on the
Exit sign in the showcase.

-The Idle crouch, the idle wall slide. He can only crawl to the right. Sometimes his walk animation doesn't stop still.

-The fall animation and land animation... I'm sure most of things things you already konw but i playtested this with my mom and some things were just standing out so i am making a list.

I'm sure she'll have more for us on Tuesday on what we can add in!

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