Wednesday, June 15, 2011

first official meeting

Anarkitty Notes: 6/15/11

-Final Boss Fight Big anarkitty!

-Wesley Bossfight:

throwing tea-cups, shoot yarn gun, teapot,

First person, or 3rd person camera to shoot teacups

-Back to the Cutlist:

-Talking fish!

-Health: 1 paw print, 4 hits. If you die you start at the last check

-GUI: yarnbombs & pawprint for health

-Interaction Button for cages: Keys for animals to break them out

-Breaking stuff


Cat nip balls (Insert awesome mechanic)

-Jamaican cat: once you release him he informs you that there is more catnip hidden throughout the building. Randomly pops up throughout various levels.

Commemorative coins: Place Jamaican cat into the showcase, and you can purchase showcase items in showcase Jamaican cat room.

Fight mechanics:

Robot Animal Enemies! (Wind up mouse, Mean looking robot dog, Centipede, Snake)

-Enemies: Snake! (Releasing the snake from the cage and it will attack anarkitty)

Yarnbomb, collect strains of yarn. Collect 3 for 1 yarnbomb

Light claw, heavy Claw


Kittymode: Show shiny sparkle stars, but not allow the player to constantly use it. Objective is clear, environment is not!

Pause Menu:


Treasures(Kitty Loot)


Main Menu:

Continue & New Game

Specify how many save files we will need.

Showcase will have to link up with the current save file.

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