Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Character Development is hard!

Anarkitty Meeting: 6/22/11

-Everyone is all on board for living room tutorial

-The Dog knight: Protoman esk character

-Super hero TV star

-Fighting anarkitty throughout the PAWS building for glory! Or! Anarkitty saving the people that the DogKnight planned on saving, and now has a reason to fight you.

-When you defeat dog knight he admits his defeat, and leaves! Then final boss fight he comes in to help anarkitty.

-Group of characters try to escape and the Dog Knight is the only one able to get out. And is cursing himself for not going back to save them, and is now going back to rescue his former allies.

Joe M: More Dog Knight concepts and enemies

Joe B: AI scripting

Angie: Clean up cut-scene security model sheet

April: Character Controller

Mike: Guard model

Hannah: Anarkitty model

Eric: Level layout for tutorial

Joe B AGAIN: Assets for tutorial

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