Thursday, February 17, 2011


Currently, things are moving quite well!
And I am really pleased!
We've just about got our main character modeled and rigged,
on top of that he's got his hand dandy yarn-gun!
Now that we've got our basic code down, once we get those models in we'll really be cruising!

I'm hoping on Tuesday I'll be able to get a better idea of what we want to do for the Final level map. And once we get the final map, or at least a general idea for the final map at least into the design doc.

I've been making assets for us to place into the engine, and I've currently got the conedog modeled. I'm about to start rigging it, but I'm totally going to wait till Tuesday for some feedback. Because, I know the models isn't beautiful. But! He's roughly only 500 polys which isn't too shabby!

Also, I did model the head too!
Regardless, I'm glad the progress we're making guys!
It's seriously amazing seeing this project slowly, but surely coming to life!

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