Thursday, February 3, 2011

decisions, decisions

Since losing a day to the snowpocalypse towards meeting with the team
this week has felt a bit off.
Regardless, everything is going smoothly.

We've gotten our Target Market & Competitive Analysis determined.
Next week we should have more concepts for other characters throughout the game, which I am completely stoked to see both versions of these characters.
Also, we will have a solid level map next week.

The other thing we've discussed
that I'm hoping we can get hammered out is music.
I feel like that is a very large thing that is over looked in games today,
and if we were able to make some memorable music tie in with this I think we'll have a solid game.

Over the course of the weekend I will be art-ing my face off, and getting music compiled. In the mean time, here are some environment concepts.

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