Wednesday, February 2, 2011

pause paws menu

I couldn't make up my mind on whether or not i wanted uniform words or crooked words. It looked weird straight, i'll post one with straight words. Imagine the big Paw as being an actual 3D model (hopefully that will rotate in place) Actual buttons like big rectangles looked dumb and since i already did the main menu as just word buttons, i went in the same direction. We've been on a  Red theme so i was playing off of that. I'm definitely stumped. Thoughts, opinions, if you want to see something in another color scheme just let me know and i'll recolor. I couldn't remember what color our "PAWS" symbol was, that will make a difference.

1 comment:

  1. This came out looking pretty good Hannah!
    Great work!
    I think the top left, or bottom right work the best!
    I was thinking overall that behind the buttons and rotating paws(pause, lol) menu it would be transparent.
    Overall, this is lookin really good!
