So, as it stands on my end. I've been typing, editing, and adjusting all of the documents. I've got them all basically about done, just waiting on art, or maps, or other things that are needed for the game documents.
I do plan on writting some scripts for the cut-scenes and the beginning intro.
I'm hoping once I get all the scripts situated then we as a team can rip it apart and make sure everyone is on the same page before we start getting full storyboards and finalized pieces for the cut scenes.
Also! I know this is a lot of text, but I'd like feedback from you guys to know if this is how you saw the game play out. Because, a walk through is needed for the game design document.
Written Walkthrough:
Once the game starts move anarkitty forward through the lobby. While moving forward you will be given the option to crawl under objects, wall slide up against them, or jump on top of them. When attempting to go through the first door you will come across a camera guarding the door, and you will be given two options. A). Wall slide up against the back wall and avoiding any contact with the camera, or the other option is when the camera lights up you will be able to Yarn Shot it allowing you to run past for a short period of time. After sneaking past the camera you will be able to get into the HR room of the building.
When you have arrived in the HR room, you will need to use the Yarn Gun to hook up into the lights to be able to get on top of the main table in the room. When walking across the table you will then see a gerbil in a cage which will trigger a cut-scene. When the cut-scene loads up the gerbil will tell you that it has been trapped and needs to be set free, and will explain to you how to do so. When the cut-scene is over and you are back in control you will hit the action button to release the gerbil. After releasing the gerbil you will continue to the right to leave the HR room. There will be a guard sleeping with his legs propped off on the desk, blocking you from being able to pounce off of the table. You will then need to Yarn Shot to the light to the upper right, and jump down once you have reached the top of the lamp. Continuing along the path you will then reach a door that you are unable to enter through colliding with it. The game will trigger into a cut-scene and the gold fish in the tank across from the door will tell you that the door is locked, and you need to find another way into that room. There will be a shiny latch above the door that you will be able to yarn shot onto, this will pull down the latch. Performing another yarn shot will pull you up into the window latch and allow you into the next room: The Lab.
After you enter the lab you will be walking and begin to hear a sniffing noise, once the sniffing noise happens you will be able to Yarn-shot up into the lights hanging in the ceiling. There will be cone-dogs placed throughout the lab rooms, and you will have avoid them by hanging up in the lights and avoid being detected by their light. When you arrived to the second room you will see another animal except this will be your first encounter with Wesley T. Weaselburg. This is the first boss fight of the game, and it’s a simple one. Wesley will be standing mocking you, and sipping his tea. You simply Yarn Shot him in the face and the battle is won for now!
Lastly, I plan on attempting to get started on modeling Anarkitty in max this weekend!
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