Thursday, January 20, 2011

Status Report: Angie Week...3?

I think it's week three. Er, close enough.

There's been quite a bit of progress since last week, the team is really working together on some awesome concepts, logos, etc. Our next step is digging into the Design Doc and fine tuning some ideas for Anarkitty mechanics. Personally, I'm having an obnoxious amount of fun with this art style. It's quick and colorful, and I can get pretty goofy with it. That makes me happy. People seem to be getting excited about it too, not just our own enthusiastic group, so that's really encouraging! :D I'm going to dabble in some visual image concepts this weekend. Still working on color concepts for him, but the black, white and red theme just might stick. To say that I'm looking forward to this game is an understatement.


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