Thursday, January 13, 2011


Well, as it stands we're at a stand still for the type of game we're going to build.
A 2.5 platformer has been discussed with the team as a whole.

Though I am all about creating a 2.5 platformer, I am trying to figure out how we can go about creating stealth into the game. I found a game relating to platforming that uses stealth.

I think this is kind of gameplay element we could use for our game, I know its hard to get the idea of the game just by the screenshots. I would strongly recommend checking out the game itself.

Our lead level designer began working with UDK and was able to make a top down shooter. Though I enjoy the top down shooters, we would have to make the game just that a top down shooter. No stealth would be able to be implementing very well into a top down shooter.

As for the art style I have been bouncing around ideas with one our concept artist's. And since our game has a pretty silly feel to it anyways, we've discussed a 90s cartoon theme. Along with that, Unity has a toon shader plug-in that is already built in.

Lets get this rollin'!

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