Wednesday, June 29, 2011

More Sketches inbound

I won't be able to do the live chat with you guys tonight, but here are some enemy/ dog knight ideas. I'm still working on Dog Knight, but here are two rough ideas. As for the rest of the enemies. Yojimbo, in the serious version is a badass ronin(masterless samurai) dragon who works for whoever pays the best; in the cartoon version, he could be an iguana with a knife tapped to his back. Rattler, still a snack, maybe a gun or something attached to him still. Space test Monkey, could still be the same as the serious counter part, a monkey in a suit, with lip stick, and smoking. Maybe for the serious version, he's a gorilla with cosmic powers or some sort of energy shooting ability. Warrus( War Rus), army general walrus deal, maybe in some sort of tank like contraption when you fight him and in the serious version, he's in a jet. Lastly, Cyber Kitty, the essential protagonist clone, only in robot form. C.Kitty would have all of AK's moves and only one purpose, stopping Anarkitty. These are just some ideas, let me know if you like any of them!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Character Development is hard!

Anarkitty Meeting: 6/22/11

-Everyone is all on board for living room tutorial

-The Dog knight: Protoman esk character

-Super hero TV star

-Fighting anarkitty throughout the PAWS building for glory! Or! Anarkitty saving the people that the DogKnight planned on saving, and now has a reason to fight you.

-When you defeat dog knight he admits his defeat, and leaves! Then final boss fight he comes in to help anarkitty.

-Group of characters try to escape and the Dog Knight is the only one able to get out. And is cursing himself for not going back to save them, and is now going back to rescue his former allies.

Joe M: More Dog Knight concepts and enemies

Joe B: AI scripting

Angie: Clean up cut-scene security model sheet

April: Character Controller

Mike: Guard model

Hannah: Anarkitty model

Eric: Level layout for tutorial

Joe B AGAIN: Assets for tutorial

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Dog Knight ideas

My main point of reference for this character was Scias from Breath of Fire 4, Cliff from Guilty Gear, and general dark knights from various things, mainly WoW. I picture him more as a straight on, not stealthy at all, fighter. Brawny, extreme sense of justice, older, mentor figure type of character. But, that's all up to you guys, I just conjure up ideas.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

first official meeting

Anarkitty Notes: 6/15/11

-Final Boss Fight Big anarkitty!

-Wesley Bossfight:

throwing tea-cups, shoot yarn gun, teapot,

First person, or 3rd person camera to shoot teacups

-Back to the Cutlist:

-Talking fish!

-Health: 1 paw print, 4 hits. If you die you start at the last check

-GUI: yarnbombs & pawprint for health

-Interaction Button for cages: Keys for animals to break them out

-Breaking stuff


Cat nip balls (Insert awesome mechanic)

-Jamaican cat: once you release him he informs you that there is more catnip hidden throughout the building. Randomly pops up throughout various levels.

Commemorative coins: Place Jamaican cat into the showcase, and you can purchase showcase items in showcase Jamaican cat room.

Fight mechanics:

Robot Animal Enemies! (Wind up mouse, Mean looking robot dog, Centipede, Snake)

-Enemies: Snake! (Releasing the snake from the cage and it will attack anarkitty)

Yarnbomb, collect strains of yarn. Collect 3 for 1 yarnbomb

Light claw, heavy Claw


Kittymode: Show shiny sparkle stars, but not allow the player to constantly use it. Objective is clear, environment is not!

Pause Menu:


Treasures(Kitty Loot)


Main Menu:

Continue & New Game

Specify how many save files we will need.

Showcase will have to link up with the current save file.