Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Beta Build BABY!!

well I know everyone is starting to freak out about the beta build , me a little but not so much. We have an AWESOME Team, everyone helps out so much! Thanks so much to Joe for kicking A** to get the loss ends tied! Hanna thank you for the pop up text code works great! I have a trigger in place for the "Cat-Trolls", and the warning for the camera, the trigger to suggest to wall slide at desk, code wrote for the triggers of the gun to only hit the right items and react like they should, lights and flying to that light not the same light, weseleys hit to trigger the KOd scene, animation on the animal rescue panel, code calling the animation, animation to open the gerbil cage and animation on that, trigger for the waking of the guard,that stops his zz's. I also have started the code and animation for opening the window, the AI for the dog, now all I need is sounds, more triggers, aim the mouse for shooting , fine tune the security camera, more code writing, add Wesley, add Anarkitty animated, More TIME...........and I think sleep which I don't plan on getting much done until the rest of the list is done! Watch out for the beta because it will rock what the Alpha had!!

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