Saturday, April 30, 2011

fission mailed

Anarkitty Triggers & Cleanups:


-Animations called into Anarkitty

-Point & Click yarn gun

-Particle systems for hookshot areas

-Textures explaining tutorial


-Light showing view of camera

-Sirens working with camera

-Fix camera animations

HR Room:

-Guard alarmed trigger (still needs sounds)

-Window triggered down move scene switch into vent

-Animal Rescue Trigger set, along with sound! (Animation won’t play)


-Make sure Anarkitty is able to crawl under lasers in darkhall

-Place conedog on a path

-Place door and window up against backwall leading towards HR

-Place open doors leading into lab

-If not able to place onto path, use laying down dog and set up triggers

-Place rainbow face poster somewhere throughout the lab

-Create lab light triggers (They are tagged, but he won’t hookshot up)

Boss Fight:

-Create trigger for YarnBall to call “Hit” animation on Wesley


-Add sounds and music!


-Add pillar assets

-Add music




-Animals in cages

Friday, April 29, 2011

saturday attack!

Anarkitty Triggers & Cleanups:
-Animations called into Anarkitty
-Point & Click yarn gun
-Particle systems for hookshot areas
-Textures explaining tutorial

-Light showing view of camera
-Sirens working with camera
-Fix camera animations

HR Room:
-Guard alarmed trigger
-Window triggered down move scene switch into vent
-Animal Rescue Trigger set, along with sound!

-Make sure Anarkitty is able to crawl under lasers in darkhall
-Place conedog on a path
-Place door and window up against backwall leading towards HR
-Place open doors leading into lab
-If not able to place onto path, use laying down dog and set up triggers
-Place rainbow face poster somewhere throughout the lab
-Create lab light triggers
Boss Fight:
-Create trigger for YarnBall to call “Hit” animation on Wesley

-Add sounds and music!

-Add pillar assets
-Add music

-Animals in cages

This is the plan for tomorrow that me and april plan on knocking out!
Wish us luck guys!
And hopefully Tom will be getting at me sometime this weekend!
If you guys can think of anything else that's been missed on this list let me know or comment on here!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Animals and Doors

I made some doors, dropped em, and now am working on animals. The bird I am working on, looks way too much like a phallus with wings, so its going to be some kind of weird composite animal thing. I'm not the best modeller, hopefully not all of my animals turn out looking like penis winged animals.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Beta Build BABY!!

well I know everyone is starting to freak out about the beta build , me a little but not so much. We have an AWESOME Team, everyone helps out so much! Thanks so much to Joe for kicking A** to get the loss ends tied! Hanna thank you for the pop up text code works great! I have a trigger in place for the "Cat-Trolls", and the warning for the camera, the trigger to suggest to wall slide at desk, code wrote for the triggers of the gun to only hit the right items and react like they should, lights and flying to that light not the same light, weseleys hit to trigger the KOd scene, animation on the animal rescue panel, code calling the animation, animation to open the gerbil cage and animation on that, trigger for the waking of the guard,that stops his zz's. I also have started the code and animation for opening the window, the AI for the dog, now all I need is sounds, more triggers, aim the mouse for shooting , fine tune the security camera, more code writing, add Wesley, add Anarkitty animated, More TIME...........and I think sleep which I don't plan on getting much done until the rest of the list is done! Watch out for the beta because it will rock what the Alpha had!!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Anarkitty Statue Pose and Gold Texture

If your not liking what your seeing let me know and I will  fix it.  I still need to texture the cape, i just got it placed for the pose.

Friday, April 22, 2011

showcase layout

After discussing with a Castaldi about the overall showcase layout, we agreed on this level layout.
The backroom will be anarkitty/wesley throne room, and have one solid posed statue for both of them.
Then, for each animation we can have "golden" anarkittys and wesleys to the side or next to them.
Also, the two side hallways are going to be cut-scene hallways.
And, everything in the room we're going to run with a realistic look to make the toon shading on the characters and assets pop out better.
Time to take what we've worked on and make it shine folks!
4 weeks!
Lets do this!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Boss Battle!

Finished the boss sign and am now moving onto to making the shell of the showcase area. The showcase thing will be a hallway and room showing off our best models/assets. Maybe play some fancy music to go along with it.

Sunday, April 17, 2011


We had our presentation,
over all I believe it went fairly well.
For some reason our luck with loading unity when presenting never seems to work.
Regardless, we're preparing for our beta.
Beginning to build everything together:

-More Puns
-Separate our animations
-Slow down presentations, but still be hyped!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Dun dun dun duuuun~ WESLEY~

He is unwrapped and textured! Thanks to Hannah's awesome modeling job, he's looking pretty Wesleyish. :D

Now he means serious business.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

It's Tea Time!

Still working on Sir Wesley panels, just about 3 more and it shall be done! I also got the "Animal Rescued" picture done a couple weeks ago. Er... I don't have much else to update on. I made a dancing flower! :D It could be used in the lobby, perhaps.


Monday, April 11, 2011

Alpha as it stands

Well after spending tooo much time on getting the cut scenes working with the main menu and the lobby scene we realized that it was something simple that we needed to do. We have the build with the start menu, into scene, credit scene, and to play for the lobby, and the lobby is set to call the HR room. They recorded the sounds for the intro and we need to add that so the lobby and the hr should be fully done ready for fine tuning by class on Tuesday. Hope all doesn't mind me putting the game play progress on my website, it shows the programming. Personally I will put the version we have for the lobby to hr then not again to the end of the turtorial level is complete. I would like to see more on the fan page and public blogger site. If you would like me to update a in game video/trailer let me know.

Saturday, April 9, 2011


I made a really quick demotivational poster for any of the rooms. I also made a poster to embellish the CEO and make him seem like the high and mighty arrogant douche he is. Still making assets, gonna nix the coral and move onto lab assets. Time to model some boxes!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

train kept a rollin'

well, progress is moving good.
saturday we're having a music meet up to get some music for the menus and the intro-cut scene.
We almost have all the rooms with a rough build,
and we're beginning to get animations and mechanics placed into the engine.
hopes are high, and I think we'll hit the deadlines even if they are by a thread.
Alpha is approaching soon, and i'm hoping we'll have all of our mechanics hammered out.
I'm hoping come beta time we'll have the game basically polished and are beginning fine tweaking.
We shall see!
Until next time!