Thursday, March 31, 2011

Walk Animation

The rigging is fixed,    the animations are spaced out     to support 1x timing. I have the alert animation fixed and the walk animation done. I am currently fixing some of the weights on the skin to support the new animation. I'm ahead of schedule but I still have to start Wesley. Oh Wesley you sily weasel you.

and let the choas begin!

Welp, as it stands we hit our first deadline on the calender agenda.
We have our grapple gun mechanic working in game, and our intro cut-scene artwise is complete. On Tuesday we're looking to have the HR room built, and have our walk animation totally complete.

I'm hoping for the best guys! Lots of hard work is on the horizon! But, we got this! :D

Assets Assets Assets and Assets

Finished up with the storyboards and now I am onto doing minor assets for the lab area and one for the PR room. I started working on the fish tank for the PR room, but the textures turned out all screwy, so I am keeping the model and modeling the inner accessories instead of painting them on the texture. I'm going to model a little castle and some coral stuff. Once I finish with that I will move onto lab assets. I will mess with the textures later, because I will probably need help transferring them to Unity, even though its' painfully simple, I just want to make sure everything's right.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Term 2 Begin-ith

FINALLY finished up polishing the Intro cutscene, and with the aid of Joe's storyboards, I can get moving on the Wesley one. Which I'm hoping will be more enjoyable because of the lack of city backgrounds. I dislike them. We need to start finding sounds and putting together the voice acting though for the intro to have the full effect. I'm glad Joe did the ninja and luchador concepts for the guards, because they make the fight scene super epic. :D


Meet Anarkitty's fists: General Justice and Major Hurt


Monday, March 28, 2011


For this week I am busy with art setting up the lobby for our alpha run. We have the assets in place thank you Joe. now setting up the scripts and adding the animation.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

level up

today I think we made some great progress on just about everything.
We've got our dead lines set, and next month will be a non-stop train of work!

Though we've still got a lot going against us time wise, I think we're making some alright progress. If we can get everything roughly developed by the calender, then all we will need is POLISH, POLISH, POLISH.


Just a quick update. Almost done with the storyboard sketches for the fight against Wesley. Once I finish that up I am going to start working on the small assets for the lab area of the level. For every model I make, I will also be texturing it. I'll take whatever work comes my way and am also looking forward to doing more voice acting. Lastly, I need to get my friend, Tom, the sound guy, on here too.


Angie made up the Wesley Model sheet so i'll be starting that shortly! hoooray

Sunday, March 20, 2011

bah humbug

Well, I hope everyone has been enjoying the break!
I've just got a quick update on things,

Main Menu:
So when we met up on Thursday, I had the main menu somewhat built. Well, oddly enough I forgot to take the files so they're still on the computer at the school. So, I recreated the menu.

I ended up running with Hannah's idea of making everything black and white, besides our hero and while it looks good as a screen shot when placing the buttons and the logo I feel it's just too busy. I was trying to think of another way to go about this, or possibly redo-ing the whole main design. Good news is though, the buttons do work and the start button takes you straight to the lobby. Which is the next topic!

Main Lobby:

I've spent most of my weekend trying to build the menu and make it ready for this week. Most of the room is filled, but I feel that the room is just too empty! And on top of that I do believe we need to re-model the camera. When I tried rotating it up against the wall, it just doesn't work as well as planned. Currently that's all I've got.

I hope you guys are well rested and ready to go nose to the grindstone these next ten weeks!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Our grapple gun problem is no more

Apparently there is this awesome guy of a teacher looking out for us and sent me this great news about unity. There is this new thing called itween!!!!! which is freee plugin for unity and it fixes our launch issue with the following line of code. iTween.MoveTo(GetgameObject("PlatformerController"),{"x":25,"y": 5}) ;

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Post Mortem

What went well - EVERYTHING

What went wrong - EVERYTHING!

Ok just kidding.

What went well - Mr. Buracks Leadership went well. At first he was feeling I think less than wanting of the job title. He kind of fell into the post. He's great, always motivating and making sure we are on track.
The ideas fell right into place and I think that was a good reason for why we did so well this term. Things kept going right in the design proccess.

As for things that went wrong, There will most likely be a big list of this next term.. but hopefully not. We haven't truly started production yet and we are ahead of schedule, what more can you ask for?

April has been gunho from the getgo on learning Unity and diving right into the code. Not something i'd willing want to do so kutos to her. She's doing great and already has one of our mechanics in place so YAY!

We learned a great deal about the proccess and production of a game and I can't wait to get into the nitty gritty business of putting this all together next term.

As for a personal post mortem on my job title as modeler I am quite pleased with how Anarkitty turned out. I  surprised myself actually. At first I was scared to even try. Angie did such an awesome job on the concept of Anarkitty I was afraid i'd ruin him in 3DS Max. I didn't ruin him though! I had no idea I could do what I did and now i'm excited and I can't wait to model Wesley.

What went wrong - I need to re  rig anarkitty and not use the biped for his bones. I'd like to also add in bones for his ears and separate his collar from his body to make animations smoother. I'm still learning but getting better.


From starting of this term with not sure what part I was going to play in this whole team project and how am I going to hold my team back I feel much more comfortable with my role. Foolish as most may think I am I voluntered for the role of programmer. "What was I thinking!" no not really, just playing. I have learned ttttoooonnnsss. The more I do the more I feel that "Anarkitty is the One." The hard ball basic mechinaic is done! As a team I have never felt so asured that that we will hit our target or behind. Not to say we won't want more we just all have a good grib on what is posible, and willing to cut where need be. We started off BIG and are chissleing away to widle a fine piece of machineary. Well this term went well. It seemed like it took me all term to work on one thing but it all comes together. I need to rework the character controler and smooth out the hook grabble. all in all I have lots to do still I have a different mind set from here on out. I learned the engine and javascripting now time to show some skills.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

One down, one to go.

We had a pretty strong run our first term and I can't wait for the next term. We plan on meeting once over break to work on the project. I am going to put my all into this project so I can have something I can be proud of. I'm ready for the storm ahead, lets do this!

Week 9 Status: Angie

Running a little late on this update. I've been working on finalizing the intro cutscene. It won't be done by the end of this term, but I would like to get it done over the break or at least hit the halfway mark. They're taking more time than I would like, but I think I'm just burnt out due to finals week. I think I can jump back into it soon. ENOUGH TALK. PICTURE TIME.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

go team!

Start for a new logo, attempting to get some sort of rainbow added into the logo just to get the silly-ness from the game and the energy our team carries. But! Keeping the logo black and white definitely has the possibilities to be a stamp for photoshop!

These might help for the overall texturing process for our assets!

Serious version of the Gerbil

I can really hear his voice sounding like Carl from Aqua Teen Hunger Force, maybe a little softer. But something like a New Yorker/Bostonite(?)/New Jersian(?). Something along those lines.

Gettin' Toony Up In Here

 Toon Shader is your friend! I barely did any texturing and I'd say the models look pretty good.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

How I feel

I am really impressed with how everything is going with this project only wish that every project I did had this much interests from team members. I know that learning engines are hard, but out of the four types of game "engines" that I have worked with so far this is the easiest BYYY FFFAAAAAAARRRRRRRRR! What is great that the artist are learning to do the coding for the simple things such as importing and cut scenes, and the gui. I feel that the level and positioning of everything and fine tunning it will be what will take the most time. We need to get this started and in place asap so we spend time on tweaking and polishing.